Thursday, September 18, 2008

What I'm Reading, Plus a Rant

I'm actually not reading anything—I'm finishing my notes on the first-year applicants to the Community Service Leadership Training Corp. (CSLTC) before I interview them next week. Busy, busy.

But if I had the time to read, as you clearly do, here are some NY Times articles on food culture from the week I've been dying to take a bite out of (I know, bad).

Instead of Eating to Diet, They’re Eating to Enjoy: Tara Parker Pope shares an anti-dieting trend that focuses on the quality and variety of food rather than counting calories.

Sorting Through the Claims of the Boastful Egg: Catherine Price demystifies the food that made us ask, "What came first?"

Superfood or Monster From the Deep? Julia Moskin on the sardines in your orange juice and the beets in your peanut butter.

And as promised, the rant. It's not mine; it belongs to our dear old constitutional originalist on the Supreme Court, Justice Antonin Scalia. He visited Chicago yesterday and couldn't leave without knocking the U of C's law school for offering "easy" and "exotic" classes.

A gem from his speech: "I took nothing but bread-and-butter classes [in law school], not 'Law and Poverty.'"

Yeah, because who wants to argue twenty-first century poverty when he can agree with eighteenth-century language instead?

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